
Notice: Club Arctic has now become Club Freeze! Tjcb8 felt that a change was needed and it working on changing the site! So for a while, things may be a little glitchy, but it's going to be worked out soon!


Puffle Rescue Guide

This is a work in progress. It would be helpful if someone could email me some info so I didn't have to search for it myself, not that I'm forcing you to. However, here's what I've got so far.

Here is my Puffle Rescue Guide! I'll try to be as clear as possible describing the game.

How to play: Use the arrow keys to move, jumping on the pieces of ice. You cannot jump off the ice.  The object is to get the puffle and bring it back to the starting point. It is a different version of Frogger! Here is the instructions in picture form.

There are three modes: Blue Puffle mode, Pink Puffle Mode, and Black Puffle Mode. Pink and Black are member's only, though blue is available to all.  Black puffle takes place in the ocean, blue takes place on ice, and pink takes place in a cave.

In Black Puffle mode, there is a currently a hidden key that leads to a room in the Mine Caves.

Obstacles and Items in Blue Puffle Mode:

A: a block of ice. You can stand on this to cross the water(h) to get to the puffles. If the ice gets to the edge of the screen, it's a loss of a life!
B: Cracked Ice: Like solid ice(f), but if a penguin walks on this, they'll fall into the water!
C: Snow and Rock: this piece is rock, so you can't fall off and it can't be destroyed by objects.
D: Starting point. This is the start and finish line.
E: Bouncy ball! You're floating on a log(i) or block of ice(a), and your block hits a bouncy ball! You'll get hit and fall into the water(h).
F: Solid Ice: you can stand on this, however, Sharks(g) may eat it!
G: Shark! Sharks eat up solid ice, so you have to watch out!
H:Water: if you fall in, you lose a life! Be careful!
I: Log: like a block of ice(a) but longer.
J:Your character.
K: The blue puffle. Coming to the rescue!

Will continue later. Please enjoy what I have and comment information so I can get this done a bit faster!

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