
Notice: Club Arctic has now become Club Freeze! Tjcb8 felt that a change was needed and it working on changing the site! So for a while, things may be a little glitchy, but it's going to be worked out soon!


Feather Location and more

I'm going to do a few quick posts, and combine it into one. Anyway, the Gold Feather is located at the Beacon for those who haven't found it.
After locating the feather, waddle your way to the Stage, and press the golden button on the wall to make a bridge to the Phoenix Castle!
Sorry for not blogging about the many events that happened, including the Puffle Party! Hoped you guys enjoyed it!

The Box Dimension has reverted to its old shape and now looks like it used to in April when it was released for the April Fool's Party. Yep, at one time it didn't have all those crazy plants!
Done Blogging for now, guess it's time to go pretend to be a robber penguin (what did you think I did in my free time, twidled my thumbs?)

Keep Freezing!

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