Now, you may be wondering, what's an igloo mood? Now, first, let me give you examples of common igloos that you see a lot. Many igloos have things that just don't go together.
Do you see what these igloos have in common?
1) outdoor furniture that doesn't belong outdoors. I usually stray away from igloos with yards because they look tacky if not done right, though can be pulled off.
2) Igloo color. Your igloo color or design must somewhat go with your theme. Because of this, I suggest buying neutral igloos, like a treehouse or a plain white igloo, because everything matches it.
3) Last but not least, nothing went together!
These igloos did something good:
1) either there wasn't an outdoors or they pulled off putting furniture in the yard. By the way, good job, Polarcube12!
2) The igloo is green and it's a forest. It's neutral and puffle themed. Either way, the colors didn't clash with furniture.
3)They had a theme! Many popular themes are Puffle, Foresty, Party (y'know, disco balls and dance floors), Medieval, Girly (pink with rainbows all the way! Yeah!!!), and there are billions others.
If you follow these 3 main big rules, oh yeah, and a fourth,
4) only overcrowd if it looks good! Polarcube pulled it off, but the Puffle Igloos just can't do it.
Follow those 4 rules and your igloo should look pretty good!
Happily, I shall add,
Keep Freezing!
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