
Notice: Club Arctic has now become Club Freeze! Tjcb8 felt that a change was needed and it working on changing the site! So for a while, things may be a little glitchy, but it's going to be worked out soon!


Hey everyone

Hi everybody, I'd just really like to say thanks for coming to my blog. So maybe it's not the fanciest, or the biggest, or the most popular, but we can make it that. I know that almost no one gets on here, and that's a bit sad, but maybe it's just because nobody knows about it. Also I've noticed a fall in Club Penguin. Ever since Disney bought it, less people get on because it's more childish. There's still plenty of people on.

Anyway, I'd like to announce that April 2nd is my birthday! Sorry, we will not be having a birthday party because you guys will be way too busy with April Fool's on Club Arctic.

I'm really glad I'm going to be here to blog. I enjoy blogging and I hope you guys enjoy reading my blog! Once you start blogging it's hard to quit. 

Anyway, be sure to keep checking back this week for news, and, if you want this to be the next Paintboy100, we need your help. We need all your friends and your friend's friends who play Club Penguin to hear about our site. If a lot of people come, it'll be better, plus if we have more people we may look for someone to help us blog...

I assure you, breaking news is a-coming this week, whether it's about April Fools, new pins, and more! So stick with us!

If you read this, will you comment your Club Penguin username and if you are member or non-member? I want to know what kind of people get on my site and who actually read this post.

Sorry for going on about something random, and for not blogging about what you need to know: the facts. Don't worry, this post is important, you'll put the puzzle pieces together.

So, happily, I'll post this,
Keep Freezing!

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