
Notice: Club Arctic has now become Club Freeze! Tjcb8 felt that a change was needed and it working on changing the site! So for a while, things may be a little glitchy, but it's going to be worked out soon!


Freezin' Lounge

Club Penguin finally decided to give the lounge a whole new look, and that's made all the difference!  Here's my screenshot, with colors labeling what I think is pretty cool :)

Red-  A window peeking into the dance place... sadly it always has dancing penguins even if the place is empty below.  But nice feature :)
Yellow- The new arcade game, Bits and Bolts!  An entire guide for this game is coming soon!
Purple-  Hmm?  What's this? A machine for a future game perhaps?   We'll have to be on our lookout!
Black- The coolest part of the lounge of all!  Just kidding with you guys, though I am pretty awesome.
Green-  Now, this is my fave.  It's an activity where you can fire snowballs at targets!  Very competitive, and no one has beat me yet.
Blue-  Thin Ice, I love you!  Thin Ice is my favorite arcade game in the lounge so far.  I'm pretty good and I can get through the non-member levels without missing a money-bag.  I'll never forget Thin Ice.
Orange-  It's AstroBarrier of course.  And I am no good at this game, but I love the graphics, it's like stepping into an old arcade game.  :)

Tell me what you think of the new lounge!
Keep on Freezin'! :D

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