
Notice: Club Arctic has now become Club Freeze! Tjcb8 felt that a change was needed and it working on changing the site! So for a while, things may be a little glitchy, but it's going to be worked out soon!


April Fools!

It's my third favorite holiday and it starts tomorrow! Club Penguin is giving it early and the party is here!

Free Items can be found at the dock! I kept throwing snowballs and didn't get an item at first... it takes a long time but afterwards you get the red flying hat! Try dancing with it on and nothing else!

And the funniest room goes to.. the spinning arrow room! Try going to your map and clicking on the mine. It's hilarious!
Here's the members only room, and there is a free item! It's the jester crown near the rating board. Hope you like it!
Keep Freezing! Lolz ringin out everywhere right now! lolz!!!!!

Igloo Moods/Themes

Hi everybody, in my last post (Game of Wood Chopper, anyone?? Okay, if you missed that post, you have to go see it.) I mentioned I'd be talking about Igloo Moods.

Now, you may be wondering, what's an igloo mood? Now, first, let me give you examples of common igloos that you see a lot. Many igloos have things that just don't go together.

Do you see what these igloos have in common?
1) outdoor furniture that doesn't belong outdoors. I usually stray away from igloos with yards because they look tacky if not done right, though can be pulled off.
2) Igloo color. Your igloo color or design must somewhat go with your theme. Because of this, I suggest buying neutral igloos, like a treehouse or a plain white igloo, because everything matches it.
3) Last but not least, nothing went together!

Now, here's some igloos that look nice. See what they did differently.

These igloos did something good:
1) either there wasn't an outdoors or they pulled off putting furniture in the yard. By the way, good job, Polarcube12!
2) The igloo is green and it's a forest. It's neutral and puffle themed. Either way, the colors didn't clash with furniture.
3)They had a theme! Many popular themes are Puffle, Foresty, Party (y'know, disco balls and dance floors), Medieval, Girly (pink with rainbows all the way! Yeah!!!), and there are billions others.

If you follow these 3 main big rules, oh yeah, and a fourth,

4) only overcrowd if it looks good! Polarcube pulled it off, but the Puffle Igloos just can't do it.

Follow those 4 rules and your igloo should look pretty good!

Happily, I shall add,
Keep Freezing!


Hi people

Hi everyone, it's me, abbado15,
I play Club Penguin on Big Surf at 4:00 every day, if you want to meet me. I love puffles, so bring yours!

By the way, happy birthday to Taylor! (tjcb8)

Keep Freezing!

Big old forest

Sorry guys, but I have to blog this before I forget completely.  Have you noticed how empty the Forest is? No games, no music, no shops, no nothing! It's empty! The only thing that people go to it for is to get to the Cove, but you can use your map for that so why bother? Club Penguin needs to spice that room up a bit... ooh! I know! A new restaurant, like a burger place or something like that! That would be so cool, right?
Okay, maybe I'm just a horrible artist, but this would be cool if it looked a bit better, right?

Or, maybe there could be a new game called Wood Chopper!
Looks so fun right? I mean, if it was illustrated better.

Thanks for reading this. Hope it made you laugh a bit!

Keep Freezing!

New pin, new music for the igloo!

Oh, hey guys! As I said in the last post, there's good stuff going on this week on Club Penguin and a lot of blogging on Club Arctic! Be sure to read the post I made before this one.

Anyway, go get your cupcake pins here! Waddle on down to the sports store to get a cupcake, circled in red! ( WHOA!! Club Penguin is psychic! My birthday is this week! Weird!)

Along with that, there's some new music to blast out of your igloo! There are three new songs: Puffle Rescue Ice Flow, Recycle!, and Anchovy Jazz. My favorite out of those 3 is the puffle rescue song. My second favorite? Anchovy Jazz, which is currently playing in my igloo, because it fits the mood of my igloo.

Speaking of Igloo Moods, I'm going to make a special post on how to do your igloo and make it look nice, with a few screenshots I did of my igloo, in several moods.

Keep Checking back on Ultra-Freezing Week (Well, this week with a lot of posts needed a name or something!)

And happily, I must end this with a...
Keep Freezing!

Hey everyone

Hi everybody, I'd just really like to say thanks for coming to my blog. So maybe it's not the fanciest, or the biggest, or the most popular, but we can make it that. I know that almost no one gets on here, and that's a bit sad, but maybe it's just because nobody knows about it. Also I've noticed a fall in Club Penguin. Ever since Disney bought it, less people get on because it's more childish. There's still plenty of people on.

Anyway, I'd like to announce that April 2nd is my birthday! Sorry, we will not be having a birthday party because you guys will be way too busy with April Fool's on Club Arctic.

I'm really glad I'm going to be here to blog. I enjoy blogging and I hope you guys enjoy reading my blog! Once you start blogging it's hard to quit. 

Anyway, be sure to keep checking back this week for news, and, if you want this to be the next Paintboy100, we need your help. We need all your friends and your friend's friends who play Club Penguin to hear about our site. If a lot of people come, it'll be better, plus if we have more people we may look for someone to help us blog...

I assure you, breaking news is a-coming this week, whether it's about April Fools, new pins, and more! So stick with us!

If you read this, will you comment your Club Penguin username and if you are member or non-member? I want to know what kind of people get on my site and who actually read this post.

Sorry for going on about something random, and for not blogging about what you need to know: the facts. Don't worry, this post is important, you'll put the puzzle pieces together.

So, happily, I'll post this,
Keep Freezing!


New pin!

Hi everybody, sorry I haven't been posting in a while. I forgot my blogging password and I couldn't get on. Don't worry, I'm back on!

There's a new pin in the Night Club Lounge, so be sure to get it! It's a leprechaun boot!
Anyway, I'm on Club Penguin a lot and hope to see you on there!
Keep Freezing,


Penguin Play Awards!

The Penguin Play Awards are finally here! The candidates are the following: (My side comments are in red)

* Squidzoid VS Shadow Guy & Gamma Girl- the superheroes battle the bad guy again, but remember, this play got a new character, the sidekick of Squidzoid, so it was a lot different! This play has awesome affects and is really cool.

* Ruby and the Ruby- A black and white themed stage with detectives and more! Not that much has changed from when the play was originally made, but when you have such a good stage, it doesn't matter!

* Quest for the Golden Puffle- Really action packed! The stage is good, it even includes traps and stuff!

* Fairy Fables- Fairy Fables was the play I voted for in almost every category last year. The background is stunning, with many details. The blue and pink fairy costume rocks. Tell me one fault of Fairy Fables! You can't, can you?

* Underwater adventure- While the other plays are old plays that have just been redone, Underwater Adventure is kind of new! It was really awesome and deserves a vote!

The categories are:
* Best play (overall) Which play did you like the best? (*cough* Fairy Fables *cough*)

* Best Costume Which had the best clothes? Do you wear your Fairy Fables wings everywhere or dress up like a princess?

* Best Music What music really rocked? (Actually, this is the one fault of Fairy Fables I think...)

* Best Effects  You know that little box thingy that made all the cool things happen? Yeah, that thingy.

* Best Set What had the best background? ( You know you got to say Fairy Fables!)

Vote in the ballot box in the plaza! You can only vote once (unless you make multiple accounts, which is not worth it) so vote wisely!

The Plaza looks different, like always. Check it out!
Be sure not to just check out the Plaza though... be sure to go in and see the Stage!

Remember, a lot of costumes are on sale from all of the nominee's plays! I think you'll like buying them, especially if you missed one of the plays (I missed underwater adventure...)

If you're a member, go backstage and go to the Members-Only room! There's free video cameras and trophies! (circled in red on this picture)

For all you non-members out there, there is a free item for you at the Dock! Members can get this item as well. The item is a newspress hat and I hope everyone enjoys wearing it! I wish I could get a screenshot but my new laptop, which I am blogging from, is having a bit of trouble with screenshots. Don't worry, next time I get on my home computer I'll have a screenshot.

If I have any more information, I'll update the page later! Keep checking back!

Keep Freezing!


Puffle Rescue Guide

This is a work in progress. It would be helpful if someone could email me some info so I didn't have to search for it myself, not that I'm forcing you to. However, here's what I've got so far.

Here is my Puffle Rescue Guide! I'll try to be as clear as possible describing the game.

How to play: Use the arrow keys to move, jumping on the pieces of ice. You cannot jump off the ice.  The object is to get the puffle and bring it back to the starting point. It is a different version of Frogger! Here is the instructions in picture form.

There are three modes: Blue Puffle mode, Pink Puffle Mode, and Black Puffle Mode. Pink and Black are member's only, though blue is available to all.  Black puffle takes place in the ocean, blue takes place on ice, and pink takes place in a cave.

In Black Puffle mode, there is a currently a hidden key that leads to a room in the Mine Caves.

Obstacles and Items in Blue Puffle Mode:

A: a block of ice. You can stand on this to cross the water(h) to get to the puffles. If the ice gets to the edge of the screen, it's a loss of a life!
B: Cracked Ice: Like solid ice(f), but if a penguin walks on this, they'll fall into the water!
C: Snow and Rock: this piece is rock, so you can't fall off and it can't be destroyed by objects.
D: Starting point. This is the start and finish line.
E: Bouncy ball! You're floating on a log(i) or block of ice(a), and your block hits a bouncy ball! You'll get hit and fall into the water(h).
F: Solid Ice: you can stand on this, however, Sharks(g) may eat it!
G: Shark! Sharks eat up solid ice, so you have to watch out!
H:Water: if you fall in, you lose a life! Be careful!
I: Log: like a block of ice(a) but longer.
J:Your character.
K: The blue puffle. Coming to the rescue!

Will continue later. Please enjoy what I have and comment information so I can get this done a bit faster!


Herbert's Revenge!

A new Club Penguin game is coming out! Here's some previews given by Club Penguin! I wish I could make it bigger but Blogger is messing up. Click on it to enlargen it!
Anyway, the screenshots are cool, right?  The game will be released June First. You can preorder on Amazon!

The game looks a lot better than the last one. And from the screenshots, it appears to me that you will be able to play as Klutsy the Crab, though I'm not sure I'm right.

Tell me what you think!

Beware the Puffles of March

Isn't it weird that the new game, Puffle Rescue, was released on the Ides of March? I mean, you're rescuing lives, though the Ides of March is when Caesar Augustus died?

Never mind! The game is really awesome. I enjoyed playing it and I'll have a guide up soon!

Keep Freezing!


Puffle Rescue and Penguin Play Awards!

Puffle Rescue is a new game that will arrive March 15th... tomorrow!! Club Penguin has released some screenshots of what the game will be like, and it looks interesting.
I'm going to play this game as soon as I have the chance! It appears to be really exciting.

In other news, Penguin Play Awards will start on Thursday. You will go to the stage and vote on your favorite play! The play that wins will be the first play in April. Remember, many costumes from different plays were on sale last year, and you can probably buy them this year as well. There will be a free item too!

Keep Freezing!


Mission 11 approaching...

While there hasn't been any writing on the HQ board, there is some proof that mission 11 is coming.

Some of the puffles in Club Penguin are disappearing, and Herbert did say his plan had something to do with puffles. The Night Club Puffle has gone missing, and so has Yarr, Rockhopper's red puffle.

Not only that, but orange puffles have just appeared. Coincidence? I doubt it!

Tell me what you think about Herbert's latest scheme!

Keep Freezing!


Rockhopper's Here!

Be sure to go to the beach and visit his ship! The key to the quarters is hidden in the Book Room. There is a free item to get on the ship, so be sure to get it!

The sandbox game is only available when the pirate penguin is here, so be sure to play it!

If you get on Snow Plow you might just run into me on the ship...

Keep Freezing!


ORANGE PUFFLE: biggest disappointment EVER

The orange puffle has appeared! But sadly, I am too disappointed. This puffle is insulting to me, especially because I'm from Tennessee. The puffle has buck teeth, likes tractors, wagons, and boxes, sleeps on a messed up pillow,and looks ridiculous!  It is making fun of southerners in my opinion, by using the buckteeth and tractors. You will not find this puffle in my igloo!!!

Look, guys, this is my opinion though. Some people believe the puffle is absolutley adorable, and in a few ways it is. So it's okay if you own this puffle. Just don't expect to change my mind.

I saw this coming (not the insulting stuff, but I saw the puffle coming). Just like with the yellow puffle and white puffle before they existed, there have been many rumors about the orange puffle. Usually when something like that happens Club Penguin gets inspired. It even happened when they made the Dojo (there was a rumor you could become a ninja if you waited 30 minutes in the dojo without moving. Really it disconnected you but it was an old rumor.) Club Penguin does like to play with rumors though, just like they did with the Orange Puffle.

There's been rumors that haven't come true though, since we still don't have a rainbow puffle or a brown puffle. But they're probably next! But what will they come with, yellow eyes? Scales?

Anyway, stick with us to see as more puffles probably unfold!

Keep Freezing!

Feather Location and more

I'm going to do a few quick posts, and combine it into one. Anyway, the Gold Feather is located at the Beacon for those who haven't found it.
After locating the feather, waddle your way to the Stage, and press the golden button on the wall to make a bridge to the Phoenix Castle!
Sorry for not blogging about the many events that happened, including the Puffle Party! Hoped you guys enjoyed it!

The Box Dimension has reverted to its old shape and now looks like it used to in April when it was released for the April Fool's Party. Yep, at one time it didn't have all those crazy plants!
Done Blogging for now, guess it's time to go pretend to be a robber penguin (what did you think I did in my free time, twidled my thumbs?)

Keep Freezing!

So so so so sorry!

Got distracted and started playing a lot of Neopets- great game really, even though it's a bit little kiddish. Anyway, don't worry I'm back. I'll try to catch up on blogging.

Also, I am sorry for the cancellation of the 100th post Club Arctic party- it's kind of hard to do all these parties and posts! I'll try to have a party in the future, if possible.

Anyway, I'm back to give you the latest Club Penguin news!

Keep Freezing!