
Notice: Club Arctic has now become Club Freeze! Tjcb8 felt that a change was needed and it working on changing the site! So for a while, things may be a little glitchy, but it's going to be worked out soon!


Reviewed by You... info about it!

Some people have heard of "Reviewed by You" on Club Penguin.  It's basically where you get to say your opinions on something on Club Penguin!

Reviewed by You started in the newspaper. They would ask you for advice on games and what you thought about certain things. It would actually get published in the news!

Nowadays it's over in the less famous Club Penguin blog done by Billybob, Rsnail, and the other moderators. Good thing is you get paid 10,000 coins if yours is the best one! Here's the link to the latest Review by You, so be sure to comment and try for a chance for 10,000 coins! Click here!

Keep Freezing!


Sommfi ♥ said...

Awesome blog! ^^

Sommfi ♥ said...

If you want that falling snow on your blog, you can go here: glitter-graphics.net