So anyway, it was 1481 days ago when I joined Club Penguin. That is a very long time ago. In fact, I have almost all of the items in Club Penguin that are considered "Rares" (sadly, I don't have the beta hat.) and I even have a few rare furniture items (If you call a few between 10 and 20.) So here's me wearing some rares :)
I joined Club Penguin because my friends (You know them as Abbado15 and Awesome 94) persuaded me. And yes, I was quickly addicted, though I've been playing on and off, always going to different games like Runescape and such.
I remember when there was no Forest or Cove, and I remember when there was no such thing as Card Jitsu and that the Dojo used to be perfect for snowball fights. I remember when there was no Aqua Grabber and Hydro Hopper was called Ballistic Biscuit. I remember when there were no yellow puffles.
So anyway, there's a blast from the past for some people. And others have no idea what I'm talking about.
But anyway, I've been through a lot. I must have earned thousands of coins. But I've seen the bad side of Club Penguin: Money Makers and Hackers, the recent mean non-members who believe they're better than members (not saying they aren't, but please stop yelling at us to leave the room) and of course, those who are just plain mean. I'm not afraid to say I've reported at least 100 people.
So there's a little backstory. Tried not to drag on about my life.
Please email me, and perhaps you'll have your questions answered or your pictures posted!
Keep Freezing!
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