
Notice: Club Arctic has now become Club Freeze! Tjcb8 felt that a change was needed and it working on changing the site! So for a while, things may be a little glitchy, but it's going to be worked out soon!


New Catalog!

Hi everyone, Abbado15 here to announce the new Penguin Style catalog is here! The Gift Shop is crowded so you'll be lucky to get in even on the less crowded servers, but it's well worth the wait!
Click on the places with the red circles for the Pastel Suade Jacket, Pom Pom Scarf, Purple Spring Dress, and The Brunette!

Get the newest Penguins at Work and head to the Puffle Shop to feed puffles! Or just feed your own puffles in your igloo!

There is so much great stuff in the catalog!
Keep Freezing!

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