The party begins!

Anniversary party tomorrow... don't miss it!
Igloo Contest!
1. Be creative! (duh)
2. Use old items as well as new items to make your igloo!
3. Go to other people's igloos and see what they're doing, then do it in your igloo, but improve it!
Keep Freezing!
Weird Clouds...
Shadow Guy and Gamma Girl are back!
Hope everyone likes it as much as I do!
Halloween Igloo Contest Starts Today!
I really want to know what some people are doing to their igloo, so you can take a screenshot and attach it to an email! Send it to my Club Arctic email, please!
Keep Freezing!!
Puffle Round-up Guide
Blue Puffle: slowest and easiest to control.
Yellow Puffle:exactly like the Blue Puffle, except for its color. It is also rarer and doesn't show up as often, for some reason.
White puffle: see above
Pink Puffle: is a bit faster and harder to control than the blue puffle, but it is still a puffle that beginners can easily get.
Purple Puffle: these are harder and faster, but if you practice just a little bit, they are extremely easy.
Red Puffle: about the same speed as the purple puffle, but are much harder to control, for some reason.
Black Puffle:The black puffle is fast and hard to control. Someone who has practiced will have a chance of getting it.
Green Puffle: The fastest and hardest puffle. I only caught one once, and it ran out of the pen.
Keep Freezing!
Party News!!
Is everyone getting their costumes ready for Halloween on Club Penguin? I know I am!
Once again, Club Penguin is having their anniversary party on October 24th, when they started Club Penguin. It will be the 4th year of Club Penguin! I remember when I was at the 2nd Anniversary party... For those who have never been to the anniversary party, they have always given out party hats, and each year the hats are in different colors. I wonder what color they'll be this year...
You might run into me at the parties! I almost always get on the server Snow Plow, so if you want to meet me, get on that server!
Keep Freezing!!!! ;)
Ninja hideout place looks different!
Halloween Costumes Coming Soon!!
New Igloo Music!!
Keep Freezing!
Some Advice for Aqua Grabber!!

So, now here's a walkthrough on the levels:
Level 1: The Giant Clam
Click on Clam Waters to start the game. Use the arrow keys to move around and the space key to use your claw.
Optional: This earns you a lot of coins, so I recommend you do it. Locate all the clams and get the pearls with the claw. Be careful and don't wake them up by crashing near them. I will upload a screenshot of all the locations soon.
Main Treasure: The main treasure is at the very bottom. There will be a very large clam. If you take its pearl, it will wake up. To the side, there is a rock-shaped pearl. Pick it up and drop it op the giant clam and then take the pearl, carrying it to the top.
I will soon give a walkthrough on how to do level 2.
Keep Freezing!!

I think a volcano on Club Penguin is cool, but honestly, Club Penguin is probably running out of ideas. I mean, how can there be a volcano in the arctic with penguins??
By the way, the scavenger hunt has been extended to the 28th. So, keep searching, and be sure to check out the scavenger hunt guide!!
Scavenger Hunt
I forgot
Keep Freezing!
Hey everyone party announcement
I know you will love it!! Reminder: my party is tomorrow on Snow Plow at 2:00 PM Central Time, at my igloo. Be sure to come!
Keep Freezing!
Newest Party
Speaking of parties, Club Arctic is going to have another party on September 20th, at 2:00 PM Central Time, my igloo, on my favorite server, Snow Plow! Please tell everyone about it; I want more people to come than last time!! I'm decorating my igloo right now!!
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Begin Flying!
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Festival of Flight News

So think about the ocean on Club Penguin: It'd be gone! And the iceberg... I'm not even sure...
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Club Arctic Times!!
I'm probably going to make more of these sometime. Be sure to keep checking to see if I've added any!
Just Remembered:
Keep Freezing!
New Club Arctic Party!
I can't wait for it!!
Keep Freezing! :)
Penguins Around the World
This way, if Club Penguin doesn't put my picture on their website, it'll be on my website instead. Tell me what you think about my picture!
Keep Freezing!
101 Days of Fun Pyramid
Sailboat Pin
I thought I'd give some of my "pin-hunting " tips to you in this post. Here's some tips to remember:
1.A pin will NEVER be hidden in the same room two times in a row. It will be a while untill a pin shows up in that room again.
2. A pin will NEVER be in the Town. It would be too easy to find.
3. A pin will NEVER be in a room like the Ninja Hideout or the HQ, rooms that some penguins can't get to.
4.A pin will NEVER be in Rockhopper's Ship. Rockhopper doesn't stay for two weeks, the amount of time a pin is in a room.
5.A pin will USUALLY be related to something going on in Club Penguin, like an anchor if Rockhopper is visiting, or a box at the April Fool's party.
Got any tips? Share them here!
Keep Freezing!
Cart Surfing Guide
Now you are in the mine! There is a second way to get into the mine, but this is the easiest way.
To play Cart Surfer, go even deeper into the mine.
Use the left and right arrow keys to turn, the up and down keys to get on top or inside the cart, the space key to jump, and press these keys in certain orders to do tricks.When a sign like this pops up...
That means get ready to turn!!! If you turn on time, you will keep going. If you crash, you will lose a life.
But you can't just keep turning!! If you keep turning you will fall out and crash, losing a life!
Now that you know how to play...
Here is a guide on all the tricks. Note: if you do the tricks beside the turn tricks repeatedly, they will earn you only half the coins/points. Don't do tricks over and over! Alternate!
Basic Turn:Left or Right arrow key. If on a turn, 10 points (1 Coin)
Standing on Cart Turn: Up arrow key, then left or right arrow key. Depends on how long you turn without falling.
Grinding Turn:Down arrow key, then left or right arrow key. Depends on how long you turn without falling.
Jumping tricks:
Basic Jump: Spacebar. Earns no points or coins.
360 Jump: spacebar, then left or right arrow key. 80 points (8 coins).
Upside-Down jump:Down arrow key, then spacebar. Earns 100 points (10 coins). Best trick in the game.
On the Cart jump: Up arrow key, then spacebar. Earns 20 points (2 coins).
Flying jump: Spacebar, then up arrow key. Earns 50 points (5 coins).
Grinding Jump:Spacebar, then down arrow key. Earns 30 points (3 coins).
Other Tricks:
Run with the cart: Hold down the down arrow key. Earns 80 points (8 coins)
Pull-up on the cart: Hold down the up arrow key. Earns 80 points (8 coins)
Do the 360 Jump, then the Upside Down jump, then the 360 jump, and so on. When you have to turn, do a Grinding Turn. If you get to the end, you will get 300-400 coins.
Did I miss anything? Let me know!
Keep Freezing!
Where's Tjcb8?
I will make more sometime!
Keep Freezing!
I kind of lied, I can't stop blogging!
The new catalog came out today, with the new color, Aqua (WHY DIDN'T YOU GUYS VOTE FOR LAVENDER), flying gear, and some other cool stuff. Here's a few pictures.
If you want to see more of the catalog, be sure to get on Club Penguin and look!
I am going to try to find the hidden items, but I can't find them right now. The minute I do, they will be on Club Arctic!
By the way, Club Penguin says there will be a flying party! There is construction going on in Club Penguin, so be sure to look around! What do you think the party will be?
Keep Freezing! ;)
Really sorry
Permanent instruments in the lighthouse!!
Music Jam is over, but music isn't, so keep playing those instruments!
By the way, I'm sorry about not making funny pictures. I was so busy, I only made two pictures. I will show them tomorrow. So very sorry!!
Keep Freezing! :)
Color Vote!!!!
Comment what color you voted for! I voted Lavender! GO LAVENDER!!
Keep Freezing!
Writing contest today!
The writing themes are:"Hiking Vikings", "Wacky Wildlife in the Wilderness", "My Ultimate Igloo Dance Party", and "The Day We Turned Blue and Sunk The Iceberg!"
I don't have time to tell you all the rules right now, just read the news for more info!
Remember, vote for your favorite color at the forest tomorrow! VOTE LAVENDER!!!!
Keep Freezing! ;)
There will be four winners from each language.
New Pin
For those who don't know how to get to the Boiler Room, you first go to the night club and then walk over to the speaker on the right. It will take you there.
Keep Freezing!
I met the Penguin Band!
For some reason I can't get a background by clicking on them. Everyone says you get the background when the real players are off the stage, but I don't think that's true.
Keep Freezing!
Writing Contest and Color News
Not only that, we will begin voting on a new color on Friday! VOTE LAVENDER! There will be a voting booth too... usually we vote in the newspaper or on the "what's new" blog except for Penguin Play Awards...
Speaking of a newspaper, I'm making Club Arctic News soon! You will hear more later!
Keep Freezing!
My first party!

Here are some of the people who came to the party:Awesome 94, Abbado15, Siskriem, Hanz10,Carmenhazel,Batman499,Liska123, and Penguin77928693. There were lots more but I lost track. But thanks to all who came!
We are having an official Freeze-Only party/meeting soon, but not yet. Please join Club Arctic Freeze by clicking under, "What's Club Arctic Freeze?" and it should say "Click Here". Read the post to learn how to join. I will add your name under "Club Arctic Freeze members".
Keep Freezing!
Holding sled on an inner tube glitch

Hope you enjoy the glitch!
Later I'll tell you about the party at my igloo!(It hasn't happened yet)
Keep Freezing!
Keep Freezing!
Members only,There is a t-shirt stand at the snow forts (Which is now battle of the bands) where you can get t-shirts and a backstage pass. With the backstage pass, you can go into the backstage area at the dock and the upstairs (NOT the lounge.)
There is a catalog in the backstage room and there is a free item for members. Be sure to check it out!
Keep freezing!
New Penguin Color!!
It has been almost three years since the last new color. It was a vote between lavender and lime green. I think it's cool that they are giving lavender a second chance! I am voting lavender! What will you vote? I want to know, so please comment!
Once again, a reminder of my party on July 20th, 2:00 Pm Central Time, on the server Snow Plow, at my igloo. Be sure to come! I have already decorated my igloo, so nobody come to my igloo at all... I want it to be a surprise!
Keep Freezing!
Top 5 Stupid things on Club Penguin(Tjcb8's Opinion)
5.My puffle ran away! Oh no!"Why doesn't Club Penguin just come out and say:"Bad news: Puff has died." Because if you say it ran away or went on a vacation, some little kid might think their little furball will come back soon. But then they get disappointed when it doesn't. Better yet, why not make it where they don't run away or die, they just get sick or something and you have to buy medicine?
4.Wigs. That's all I have to say. Everyone was fine without a wig, now everyone HAS to wear one. Let's face it, I think penguins look ugly in wigs, but I just wear my wig because everyone else does. And isn't that teaching little kids that you should do what's popular, and not be creative or an individual? Excuse me, I'm putting on my earmuffs.
3. Tipping the iceberg is probably number three to me. Let's face it, you can't tip the iceberg. Everyone just makes screenshots and edits it with "Paint." Everyone spends all their time trying to tip it and it's never been tipped once. And the rewards you can get are either obviously fake or have been made by club penguin recently, such as the yellow or white puffle belief. So why don't we just stop trying? I guess it is a little fun though...
2. Where did penguins get all the cloth to make clothes? Where to they grow wheat to make pizza dough? Where do they make candy? See, Club Penguin is a bit unrealistic. I guess it's supposed to be, but couldn't they at least add a wheat farm or a sugar cane farm or make some real sheep, not the Fairy Fables Costume? Is it that hard?
1.And, the number 1 spot goes to (drumroll) THE EGGTIMER!!!! The eggtimer is a time that allows parents to set how long you play club penguin if they have a parent account. An error message will pop and and tell you that your egg timer is out. You can press learn more and then it will list other activities such as going outside.
This is my opinion, which means if you don't agree, that's alright.
If you agree, or you don't understand, please tell me!
Keep freezing!
Puffles Walk on Walls Cheat
1. Get on Club Penguin.
2.Go to the pet shop and get some puffles.
3. Go to your igloo.
4. The puffles will walk around the igloo. When they are at the highest, farthest part of the igloo, go to your Igloo Upgrades catalog.
5. Upgrade, or should we say, downgrade, to the smallest igloo possible. (You weren't in a tiny little igloo in the first place, were you?)
6.Watch as your puffles are on the walls or maybe even outside your igloo!
If you have any questions, or if this doesn't work, comment about it!
Please note that this may be a slight waste of Club Penguin coins for you. But, if you really want to see your puffles on walls, go ahead. I can't stop you.
Keep Freezing!
Music Jam Updates
I don't know all the stuff that will be different or all that will be the same, but I know that it will be as good as last year's. There will be Music VIP passes for members like last year, though, and some of the same bands!
Keep freezing!
A new contest!
The stories are going to be related to Club Penguin and the summer, so think about your summer on Club Penguin!
Keep Freezing!
Where's the ruby, Ruby?
If you are reading the script, Ruby is arranging the flowers in the lobby. You need to check under the vase, but first you need to sign the guestbook.Hammer finds paper under the vase. It has numbers written on it, but you can't read the numbers. Penguins can't read anyway. But now you know that they are hidden in a safe!
There's a safe behind a picture frame! Open the safe and get the pin!
Hope you like the pin!
Keep freezing!