You can get puffles at the pet shop. There are many colors of puffles.There are white, yellow, blue, red, black, purple, pink, and green.If you are a non-member, you can only have blue and red puffles. If you are a member, you can have all of them. They have many characteristics. I will soon have a list of each puffle's characteristics up.
After you buy your puffle, you get to name it. The name will be visible only to you, not to those visiting your igloo. After that, it is sent to your igloo.
Puffles have to be cared after. After you click on your puffle, it's character card will pop up. You can tell your puffle to do many things. Here are the basics:
Leash: you can take your puffle on a walk. It is a hand item. Taking puffles on a walk makes them lose energy. They have to be healthy in order to go on a walk. It costs no coins.
Sleeping:Sleeping gives your puffles rest. However, sleeping isn't very healthy, and they lose health. However, this costs no coins.
Playing:Playing makes your puffles happy. It takes energy, though. Each puffle plays differently. It costs no coins.
Pet food:This gives your pets energy. All puffles eat differently. It costs 10 coins.
Bath:This gives puffles rest and health, but takes energy. All puffles bathe differently. It costs 10 coins.
Cookies: These give energy too, but not as much as pet food. All puffles eat cookies differently. It costs 5 coins.
Bubble Gum:This gives health, but not rest. All puffles chew gum differently. It costs 5 coins.
If you have any questions, or if I left something out, please comment!!